Earn up to 9.5 nursing contact hours at this event!
Featured topics include
- human trafficking
- pain management
- nurse leadership
Human trafficking education is now required for health care providers. At this event, Theresa Flores, LSW, will share the basics of trafficking, areas of occurrence, and physical and emotional implications for victims.
Joy Washburn EdD, RN, WHNP-BC, will also discuss human trafficking; sharing common venues, presenting characteristics in patients, and strategies and resources for health care professionals to support victims.
For detailed event information, visit www.michigancenterfornursing.org/summit-2017
Early bird pricing lasts until July 31. To register, visit www.2017michigannursingsummit.eventbrite.com
www.2017michigannursingsummit.eventbrite.com OVERVIEW:The Michigan Center for Nursing’s Michigan Nursing Summit is an annual event that convenes nurses from all over the state of Michigan. This year’s Summit will equip nurses with a broader lens; to widen their view of current events in Michigan that are changing the landscape of healthcare now and into the future. Topics will include: chronic pain management, human trafficking, civility in nursing, board leadership, culture of health and primary care, complementary medicine, and relationship based care. WHO WILL ATTEND: Nurses, Nursing Students, Community Partners, Educators, Clinicians, Researchers, and more! OBJECTIVES: Describe leadership skill development, including inter and intra professional collaboration needed for healthcare transformation. Discuss current healthcare trends and issues requiring nursing leadership for individual patients, systems, and vulnerable populations. Discuss opportunities for nursing leadership in patient, systems and community to create a culture of health. CONT |