EGLE: Free Emissions Reporting Training - Webinars | Parts 1 & 2

Meeting Dates: 
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Meeting Time and Location: 


January 16, 2025

Emissions Reporting Training Part 1: Completing the Emissions Report

Emissions Reporting Training Part 2: Making Chnages and Updates



Emissions Reporting Training Part 1: Completing the Emissions Report 
Date & Time: January 16, 2025 10:00 – 11:30 am  
Cost: $0

Overview: In this session, we cover how to access and complete your annual emissions report. You'll learn how to accurately fill out the form, including selecting emission factors to properly calculate annual emissions. This will also cover how to submit your report to the AQD.   

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Emissions Reporting Training Part 2: Making Changes and Updates 
Date & Time: January 16, 2025 1:00 – 2:30 pm 
Cost: $0
Overview: In the second session we will go back to basics for emissions reporting.  We will cover a little more navigation in MiEnviro and the Emissions Reporting module and will discuss the procedures for making updates to your equipment form.  If changes or updates are identified while filling out your emissions report, we’ll discuss how to request an amendment to the equipment inventory.  The equipment inventory needs to be correct before you can make the changes in your annual emissions report.    

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