Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Disease Vector-Borne Disease Workshop

Meeting Dates: 
Tuesday, May 7, 2019 to Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Location Address: 
Michigan State University MI
United States

This is the first multi-day vector surveillance training of its kind being offered to Michigan Local Health Department staff and will provide hands-on learning opportunities in vector surveillance program operations.  These trainings are being offered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and its partner academic institution, Michigan State University, and the Midwest Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Disease. The program is designed for environmental health professionals working at Michigan Local Health Departments, covering tick and mosquito species of medical importance to the region.

It is anticipated that at the end of the training, attendees will understand vector-borne disease epidemiology in Michigan, be able to conduct sampling for medically important mosquitoes and ticks, arrange for diagnostic testing of specimens from their jurisdiction, and consult with stakeholders regarding vector control.

Lodging and meals will be provided for this 2-day workshop.

To ensure a rich educational experience for all attendees, this program is capped at 30 participants per session.  Up to two permanent staff from each local health jurisdiction will be eligible to attend.

For more information and to register for the training, please visit https://events.mphi.org/zoonotic/.  Registration will close April 9, 2018.