How telehealth could change the world (and why it hasn't yet)
Telehealth has the potential to drastically increase access to health services throughout Michigan by reaching areas and populations that would otherwise go without care. The impact spans across ages, socioeconomic status, and geography. It can break down barriers like transportation, stigma, and others, yet it is often misunderstood and underutilized.
Please join the Michigan Health Endowment Fund for a free, interactive telehealth conference that will bring together community organizations, state MDHHS staff, and national experts to discuss common barriers and myths around telehealth implementation. Have you hit stumbling blocks while implementing telemedicine programs? Come to share the good, the bad, and the ugly. We want the conference to be an opportunity for you to learn from experts and peers, to ask questions, and to get the answers you need to support your projects.
- State Medicaid and policy leaders to share the latest and greatest updates on telemedicine in Michigan
- National expert from the Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center to provide highlights from across the region, recommend best practices, and share resources for implementation
- Perspective from commercial insurer Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan on efforts to embrace telemedicine reimbursement
- Stories from the field, including school-based health services, FQHCs, emergency room and hospital use, rural implementation, and in-home services
- Lunch will be provided (with a special surprise guest performance to keep you entertained!)