Making It Count Inc Presents: Health, Justice and Equity: A Call to Action to End Menthol and Flavored Tobacco

Meeting Dates: 
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Meeting Time and Location: 

Time: May 18, 2022 12:00-1:00 PM Eastern Time


Making It Count Inc Presents: Health, Justice and Equity: A Call to Action to End Menthol and Flavored Tobacco

Description: Menthol and flavored tobacco is causing a crisis in our communities. WE NEED YOU! Learn about – and JOIN - our Community Driven Response to END MENTHOL AND FLAVORED TOBACCO.

Attached is a flyer for an upcoming statewide webinar, "Health, Justice and Equity: A Call to Action to End Menthol and Flavored Tobacco" on May 18, 2022 from 12 noon to 1 PM.\

Commercial tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable disease and death in Michigan.  Flavored tobacco plays a major role in enticing youth to start using tobacco and keeps many people addicted.  Additionally, not everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible – free from the harms of commercial tobacco use. In addition to targeted marketing by the tobacco industry, obstacles like poverty and discrimination increase rates of tobacco use, leading to poor health outcomes for those with fewer resources and less power in society.  This is a social justice issue.

Fortunately, work is occurring to bring about better health outcomes for Michiganders.  Three local jurisdictions – City of Grand Rapids, Washtenaw County and Wayne County are working to restrict the sale of menthol and all flavored tobacco products. WE NEED YOU!  Come hear about the work that is happening to protect youth and communities most affected by menthol and flavored tobacco products, engage with the Coalitions working on this policy and offer your support.  Following this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  1. Explain why tobacco health disparities exist and who is most affected.
  2. Describe how National, State, and Local efforts are addressing these disparities. 
  3. Identify ways to get involved and protect communities targeted by the tobacco industry.