WEBINAR Introduction to the Michigan School Water Training Program

Meeting Dates: 
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Meeting Time and Location: 

9-10am EDT


Children are vulnerable to the health risks associated with exposure to contaminants that may come from drinking water, and they spend a significant portion of their day in school buildings.  School building plumbing has the potential to introduce or harbor contaminants, therefore, it is critical to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the school water system. With funding available through the Michigan Department of Education, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality is providing information and guidance on best management practices (BMPs) for drinking water in schools to protect the health of students and staff.  This webinar will give an overview of the Michigan School Water Training Program, the basics of drinking water quality, how a school can begin a drinking water system program, how BMP’s may reduce costs, workloads and complaints, and the outlook on drinking water quality inside a school.  This is part one in a series of webinars on BMPs for a school drinking water system.

Who should attend?
School Facility Directors and Superintendents as well as Principals, custodial staff, school board members, and water system operators.

One hour of continuing educational credit is available for the MSBO Voluntary Certification Program for attending this webinar.

Questions: Call Alana Berthold 517-284-6854