NOMINATIONS OPEN: Annual Hometown Health Hero Award

The Michigan Public Health Week Partnership invites you to join them in celebrating Public Health Week in Michigan by nominating someone for the annual Hometown Health Hero award. The Hometown Health Hero award is presented to individuals and/or organizations that have made significant contributions to preserve and/or improve their community’s health.

For 2025, Public Health Week in Michigan coincides with National Public Health Week. The American Public Health Association has been celebrating National Public Health Week for 30 years, and this year’s theme is, “Public Health Week: It Starts Here.”

Awardees are selected from nominations received by you. The only way for someone to receive this award is to be nominated. What person or organization in your community deserves this statewide recognition? Submit your nomination using the attached form by email, or fax, (517) 335-8392, no later than January 31, 2025.

Awards will be presented on 11:30 am on April 9, 2025, in the Mackinac Room of the Anderson House Office Building.